Birthday Offerings and I am 68 years old today.

photograph from Lynda Mitchell Carter




Freely and courageously given. 

You are generous - 

A sparkly smile

An eager look

An open embrace 

A forgiving heart 

You carry His grace 

The abundance of His love 

Toting your bags stuffed full of it

(like the beach prizes) 

You unzip them, and 

Lovingly hand them out, one by one.  

Each person gets 

A token of love

Of grace

Of His light

Something, just for them.  

From you.

Of Him. 

What a blessing to know you.  

I am so, so thankful you were born, how could I begin to count the goodness your life has brought for me? 

Thank you. 

I love you. 

Happy birthday!  ~ Melissa Lyn Mecham Carter

Lynda Mitchell Carter



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