george eliot

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. 
George Eliot


*young ed spent the night in the green chair
*the little Carter kids came with hugs, smiles, love
*Melissa listening to Liz
*Joe's safe arrival home
*phone call from David
*Laurel frosts sugar cookies she made with orange
*mary believes in Laurel
*a walk in autumn beauty with Liz and Laurel
*i can see the colors, smell and crunch in this amazing season
*hosting youth missionaries
*their honest sincere pure witness
*a glimpse of sacred symbols
*lightening flashes wake me up
*mary anne evans aka george eliot
*all are healthy
*my blender
*cinnamon harvest candle
*another day


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