Feeling blue...

I just don't feel like celebrating the New Year today.

Oh, I am thankful with blessings to share but...

my gal drove off to Galveston Texas today at dawn with her Prince Charming.

FREAKING 1200+ miles away! (as the crow flies)

I'm consoled by remembering the diminishing view of my parents as I drove out of their driveway heading to California when I was twenty. If they were sad I never heard about it.

My parents eloped at seventeen. Certainly unexpectedly leaving their parents. They were the youngest in their families...not sure if they left their parents empty nesters.

I've had a long time to prepare for each of eight children to fly.
But, this last little birdie leaves an ache in my chest, stinging in my eyes and I'm just limping along.
I've had a baby to love for the past 38+ years. Someone to anticipate coming home and sharing a little bit of their day. A child to watch grow, learn and develop into people I really like to spend time with. Only Sam and Liz have had me all to themselves. Sometimes I have had to spread myself thin. I've loved every minute of mothering. (Except for when I was screaming like a mad woman).

So Happy New Year to us all. I'll get through this missing. Everyone does.

btw... he will take good care of her and she adores him.



Grandma Honey said…
It's rough isn't it.....oh yes, I do think I know some of how you are feeling. :(
S. Etole said…
I suspect you have been a wonderful mom. The love goes on.
Megan Moss said…
Cristie! Remember that you are someone that acts as a mother to all. Thank you for your presence in my life. I know Lizzie and Dylan will have a blast! XOXOXO
cristie said…
i love the sympathy. thank you jill. xox
cristie said…
megan! you are a doll. so so happy for your joy. xox

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