to rebuke the winds

the house got cold
power out
life slowed way down
busy plans stood still

we played hearts
went to lunch
sat in the best room
"shooting the breeze"

the wind howled
the house shook
30+ trees down at dad's house
Anson called

nature's power
a reckoning
a reminder
i am small

photos by audree steed



S. Etole said…
That's a major wind gust! I hope no one was hurt. Those trees are huge.
Mary Bohmker said…
Graphic! We have had wind here to, but nothing quite like that! Some how I was just on a page of lots of pictures. I wanted you to know that I've always sorta thought you were quite amazing. Now I know you are. You should publish your poetry to. I love you.
dave said…
I loved this! We are small indeed.

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