Edward Williams Carter
today he is thirty years old
and i've enjoyed almost all days
of those thirty years
"almost" is true of every mama
he reminds me there was a day
i threw a skillet at him
i was exasperated and fried
(no cooking pun intended)
(no cooking pun intended)
only to get his attention
never aimed to do damage
just the same
you are looking at a good boy
eager to please
ever willing to help
a family man
- always interested in the welfare of his brothers and sisters
- attentive involved daddy
- devoted to Valerie
- values his friends
- hard worker
- knows how to play and have fun
- enjoys discussing politics
- steadfast in his faith
- keen interest in South Africa
- football and baseball
- a good steak at a fine restaurant
- family history
- serves the boy scouts
- crock pot extraordinaire
- never stops trying
- prompt and dependable
- Garth Brooks and the Deep Blue Sea
- a tease
- Monopoly
- a good movie
- a beach vacation
- black licorice
- generous
- kind to his mom
- seeks council from his dad
every day for thirty years
blessed, thankful, honored
to be your mother
and the pot throwing ... too funny !
we've all been there.