dancing through January

loving these tunes today---

Gonna Get Over You.....Sara Bareilles---cute lyrics, i remember feeling like this

In These Shoes?.....Kirsty MacColl---great horn section, funny lyrics, impossible not to do a latin step or two plus i picture wearing these shoes

Dance the Night Away.....Santana---a remake, amazing riff...i have to close my eyes and sway my head

Beat It.....Fall Out Boy and John Mayer---i know, it's another remake but, once again John Mayer is amazing 2/3's of the way through with a guitar solo and tricky beat. It's a little noisy, but it has to be. Speaking of Fall Out Boy, I Don't Care "i don't care what you're thinking as along as it's about me - the best of us can find happiness in misery"---who could think of such a line, but once you hear it you believe he means it and i keep coming back to hear it again. The bass is wow.

when i got up this morning i was dragging and the power of a few good songs has me smiling and almost skipping.



Melissa: said…
I love how music can do that.

Great list! And love the picture of the shoe, very cute!
S. Etole said…
looks like you are ready for a good day ...
Unknown said…
fab list.
I am a music person . You tube is one of my bff's.

and those shoes!
Cath said…
Here's why I love your blog. You are not only interested, but interesting! xo And what's not to love about John Mayer??
Lizzie said…
love the shoes mom. were you shopping for my birthday? :)

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